Our Difference

Not all wood-fired ovens are created equal.

Many ovens look similar, but choosing the right oven makes all the difference. That’s why we offer Four Grand-Mere ovens hand-crafted by French master craftsmen. We’ve tried many ovens, and we believe the Four Grand-Mere ovens are better and more versatile than any other ovens in the market.

  • Over 35 years of excellence
  • Handcrafted low brick dome
  • 25% less wood consumption with 50% more heat retention
  • Crafted with 100% all-natural refractory clay bricks
  • Uniquely versatile oven design
a chart breaking down the different parts of a brick oven floor

Our 1st Difference: The Floor

Typical ovens use a 1″ to 2″ brick tile placed directly on the bottom insulation to save money. This technique offers limited thermal mass and therefore, limited cooking capacity and less heat retention. 

We take it a step further with one of the only 3-1/4″ thick oven floors on the market. We place 1-1/4″ baker tiles on a 2″ concrete bed to allow greater thermal mass and ensure superior cooking.

The 2nd Difference: Versatility

Historically, ovens were more versatile than modern convection ovens. Of course they were used to bake, but they were also used day in and day out to grill, smoke, and dry food. Our ovens are very good at performing all of these cooking functions. 

  • Grilling. The large opening allows you to grill while your oven is still heating up.
  • Smoking. The shut off valve lets you control the air flow and allows the oven to be used to smoke food.
  • Drying. The thick walls and highly efficient insulation retain heat for days. It takes up to 5 days for an oven to completely cool off. Once the oven drops to about 160°F, you can dry fruits or vegetables, a 3 to 24 hour process that our ovens can handle with their long heat retention time.
  • Baking. The shape of our ovens (round and low) gives our ovens the best baking characteristics on the market. You don’t want your oven dome to be too high because the heat needs to surround what you are baking. Looking to bake a Neapolitan pizza? A low dome oven gives you the best results.
Raising components

The 3rd Difference: Superior Building Materials

Traditional and modern technology, all in one.
  • Brick. For its natural beauty, resistance to thermal shock, and exceptional thermal characteristics, the fully bricked dome makes our oven 20% more efficient than regular concrete domes.
  • The aggregate. Crushed refractory bricks mixed with alumina-fortified cement, reinforced with metal fibers. Superior materials make the base for our refractory concrete.
  • The concrete. Our concrete withstands temperatures over 2200°F/1250°C. The metal fibers prevent cracking and fissures, and each material is analyzed thoroughly to make sure it is appropriate for baking.

The 4th Difference: The Shape

Specially-designed form.
  • Round and low. Our shape ensures perfect uniform cooking and efficient heat radiation, as the dome is close to the food.
  • Perfect shape to make a Neapolitan-style pizza.
  • Looking for more height to bake larger dishes? We offer a raised option that increases the dome and door height by 3″. 
wood for a brick oven

And more....

Our Ovens Will Last for Generations
  • The materials we use are designed to withstand temperatures of 2200°F/1250°C.
  • Our materials are frost-proof. They can be installed in areas where temperatures drop below freezing.
  • Thanks to the quality of our materials, your oven will last for generations.
Our Warranty
  • All of our Commercial Ovens and Trailer-Mounted Ovens include a 3-year limited warranty.
  • All of our Residential Ovens include a 10-year limited warranty.
Wood Is Economical
  • Wood is the cheapest form of combustible energy.
  • The modern parabolic shape and state-of-the-art exterior insulation of the Four Grand-Mere ovens allow them to use very little wood. Wood consumption is reduced by 30% compared to traditional oven designs.
  • In an 950 B brick oven, 20 lbs of dry wood is enough to obtain a uniform temperature of 600°F.
Certified for Commercial, Residential, Indoor, & Outdoor Use

For your safety and simplicity of installation, all of the Four Grand-Mere wood-fired ovens we offer have been tested and listed to UL 2162-2001, UL 737-2011, ULC-S627-00, and NSF ANSI 4-2007e by OMNI-Test Laboratories.

Report Number: 508-D-01-2 

Please contact us for more details on the list of Four Grand-Mere certified ovens.

Thinking Green
  • Wood is a clean and renewable energy source.
  • Wood use does not threaten the energy reserves of the planet.
  • The burning of wood does not contribute to the warming of the planet.
  • The materials used in the construction of our ovens are inert and non-polluting.

Build Your Own Oven, It's Easy!

Our kits have everything you need to assemble and install your very own wood-fired brick oven.

Each kit includes:

  • The hearth, made of clay bakers tiles that can handle over 2000°F.
  • Oven dome
  • Bricked entry archway
  • Dome thermometer
  • Assembly refractory clay
  • Flue connector with shut off valve
  • Insulated door: a unique feature that allows you to cook with a closed door while retaining all the heat and steam
  • Dome insulation. Our ovens come standard with a 3″ Non RCF Ceramic Fiber Blanket on the sides and 5″ on top. It is the highest quality and safest insulation available on the market, and it is quick and easy to install.
  • Floor Insulation. Again, our ovens come standard with 4″ of Calcium Silicate boards. It is very easy to install. Just cut to the desired dimensions and set the oven right over it. No messy cement and vermiculite to mix, and no waiting for it to set.
  • Complete Assembly Instructions with Pictures

We also offer a Complete Solution package which includes:

  • Oven kit
  • Metal stand
  • Enclosure to embellish and protect your oven

If you would like to personalize your oven, we are happy to help with anything you need. Just send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at 469-484-4990.