Discover the ultimate tool to take your bread baking to new heights – our meticulously crafted Banneton Proofing Basket is designed to deliver exceptional results for your homemade loaves.Crafted with the finest quality rattan, our Banneton Proofing Basket guarantees improved proofing outcomes while imparting an exquisite design to your bread. Embrace the natural beauty of rattan – an untreated, all-natural wood known for its authenticity and untouched allure, leaving your bread free from artificial colors.Unlock the full potential of your bread baking journey with our artisan Banneton Proofing Basket and experience the joy of creating stunning and delicious bread that will leave everyone craving for more. Try it now and witness the magic of this all-natural masterpiece!
The high quality rattan improves the proofing results and gives the bread a wonderful design.
Rattan is an all-natural untreated wood that is not colored.