Sep 04, 2015

Rotisserie Chicken in a Wood-Fired Brick Oven


Rotisserie Chicken in a Wood-Fired Oven

One of our favorite ways to cook a whole chicken is on a rotisserie in our Wood-Fired Brick Oven.

There’s nothing like the high heat from the coals combined with the constant rotation to develop all the flavors. The skin will taste like bacon, the white meat will remain juicy, and the light smoke flavor is simply delightful.

Here is our simple recipe:


  • Whole chicken
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Olive Oil

Cooking time: 45 minutes to an hour.

Build a medium bed of coals to bring the oven to about 300° F.

Place the chicken on the rod.

Rub the chicken with salt, pepper, and minced garlic, drizzle with olive oil.

Maintain the embers by adding small pieces of wood for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Once removed from the oven give your chicken 5 to 10 minutes to rest. This will allow all the juices to flow back into the meat.

Bon Appètit!

Brick Oven Rotisserie Chicken Recipe

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