Nothing like a Fresh Lobster grilled in the wood fired brick oven.
It is simple, fast and delicious.
Ingredients for 4ppl:
– 2 Lobsters 1,5 lb each or more
– 2 lemons
– Olive Oil 3 table spoons
– Sea Salt
– Pepper
1) Fire your oven to a minimum of 300 F and create good bed of embers ( about 2″ thick). When ready place a grill over the embers, about 4″ high
2) Cut the lobster in half the long way. Make sure you use a long knife and start at the heat to kill them quickly
3) Brush the lobsters will olive oil and place on the grill. Start with the shell down.
4) When the shell has turned red, turn flesh down for just a minute.
5) Take the lobster out of the oven, place on a plate and serve with a side of your choice and half a lemon.
6) A nice Rosé like a cote de Provence is ideal with this dish.
Bon appétit!